Bonolo Blessing Lebepe👩‍💻👩‍⚕️

I am a Front-end Developer and a Clinical Associate student at the University of Witwatersrand. I am based in Pretoria, South Africa. I am passionate about software development and medicine. I love coding and the challenge of solving problems with code. I am also eager to learn new things and I am confident that I can pick up new technologies and concepts.
I am a team player and good at communication. I am able to work effectively with others and good at communicating my ideas both verbally and in writing. I am also able to take feedback and learn from my mistakes.

I create websites and design them. I code the website's user interface and integrate third-party libraries and frameworks. I optimise the website for performance and SEO, and also test and debug the website while maintaining the website's code regularly.

The skills I possess are as follows: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VS Code Editor, API, Github, Bootstrap, Hosting, Flexbox, SEO and Responsive.